Saturday, September 6, 2008

Top 10 Signs of Studying Too Long

1. You get excited about switching pen colors.

2. Your roommate comes home from a weekend away and says, “Surprise, you’re still sitting there! Have you changed clothes at least?”

3. Your mom calls and after talking for a few minutes says, “I’ll call back tomorrow and maybe you’ll be in a better mood.”

4. Unless you turn off your internet connection, you check email/cnn/gossip site/website of choice every 5 minutes.

5. It’s summer and 45 degrees outside but your bathing suit is still in winter hibernation.

6. Your middle finger starts to get that weird indentation on it from writing too much.

7. You can tell what time it is by hearing the squeaky school bus brakes outside the window (7:00am and 5:00pm).

8. Every single coffee mug is dirty in the dishwasher.

9. Your apartment is either really clean (because study break = manic tidying session) or looks like a tornado ran through it.

10. You sit still so long that reading about decubitus ulcers and DVTs becomes a little more relevant.

Any of these sound familiar? Did I leave anything out? Good luck to everyone out there taking exams right now. It’s one mile marker closer to your destination!...Okay Lets add More..

Things to add...
- I'm doing this instead of memorizing every bacteria know to man
- Going grocery shopping is the high point of my week, even though it's just for coffee and PB&J
- I'm happy when it rains so I don't feel so bad about not seeing the outside world for days on end.
- When people call you to talk (non med school friends and family) you have nothing to say except "just studying," they respond with - "Still?"
- Any conversation you may have starts off with "Well in First Aid is says..."
- You search your cell phone contacts and call people you haven't talk to in years just to avoid studying forgot:
* U have named your computer & have conversations with it.
* U dont understand Y everyone doesnt do ALL their shopping on-line.....(( I even order my I dont have to waste time driving .....))
* your kitchen is now your office...because it took too long to walk to and from the kitchen to the office where it was....
* your house has started to resemble those seen in those studies on people who are recluse....i.e. piles of studies...piles of closed/ torn out pages.....piles of pizza boxes....
* your neighbors have stopped coming by because "we never know if you are sleeping, writing, studying......."
* U spend time writing posting responses in an effort to cry out to the world for contact!!!

A few others are:

1.Even the weather channel is entertaining.
2.The telemarketers actually try to end the are so desperate to talk to a human being.
3.You notice a stain on the wall and actually consider this might be a good time to repaint the entire house.
4.Toothpaste can also be used under your eyes to help you stay awake to study...owww it burns.
5.You can´t settle down to study until the whole house is spotless.
6.When studying with a friend,your friend keeps falling asleep when you answer the question so you have to keep repeating yourself.
7.Luckily you heard your phone go off on the 5th attempt because it was a fellow student saying you have 10 mins to get to the exam.
8.After the last exam you fall asleep until next week.
Good luck everyone!

Yet to Add

*Telemarketers become your best friend.
*The weather channel is entertainment.
*Toothpaste under the eyes will keep you awake to study longer.
*You get excited shopping for study supplies.
*The house must be spotless in order to study.
*You are jealous of your dog just sleeping and eating all day.
*Paying bills is actually fun.
*The dentist called to schedule a cleaning and you asked if today was too soon.

Some For Us..

OMG so so s true
1 you know exactly when the noght watchman comes around with his whistle ...
2 the birds start chirping at exactly dawn
3 the colour of the tree changes brom black to green
4 you keep a bottle of water around ypou and the only time you get off the chair is when you need a toilet break ..thank god for that .
5 you call up your study partner and most of the times the discussion is ' i am going nuts '
6 half your bed is full of books but that doesnt seem to be abnormal to you .
7 depending on the weather you can have coffee in cold or hot water straight
8 maggi noodles at 2:00 am is one of your daily schedules
9 you pause the ER to check whether the treatment that is being done is right or not .
10 you search for all the surgery videos from you tube ewhen you have to take a break

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